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Your Birth Month Says About Your Personality

what your birthday says about you

March 1
Your birthdate personality is such that you can go places beyond your wildest dreams, with your attitude, charm and confidence. Your soulmate as well as your friends will last a lifetime... Your personality is defined by sensitivity, self-sacrifice and intuition. Your are in tune with your emotions and the emotions of others, which allows you to express compassion and understanding in all of your social dealings. While others claim to be selfless, you truly embody the definition of the world, as you will do anything for any person in need. Although you are not looking for anything in return, your family and friends often show their appreciation for your efforts. In all matters of life, you let your intuition guide you, as it is one of your greatest internal assets.

March 2
Your self-sacrificing and sensitive nature are amongst your most defining qualities. While others keep their own interests at heart, there is little you would not do to help a person in need. Whether it is family, friends or a complete stranger, you will make the necessary sacrifices to insure their well-being. Even more impressive, is the fact that you do not wish for anything in return for your efforts. Your family and friends have always marveled at your selflessness and sensitivity. You are a practical Piscean who sets high standards in love as well as in professional life. Your devoted friends enjoy visiting your charming home, which is often a result of your hard work. It is thus, quite likely that you are a successful though exhausted individual who looks forward to relaxing...
March 3
You are a self-starter who possesses oodles of confidence. You’re a natural born leader who can also be complicated. You tend to spoil your family and friends. However, it’s hard to fool a Pisces born on this date, as you have a sixth sense about things... Intuition, sensitivity and self-sacrificing qualities define you. Your intuition is so strong that at times you may feel like you psychic abilities. While others struggle to comprehend the inner workings of others, you have the innate ability to sense emotions and moods. This understanding is the key to your sensitivity, as you are always thoughtful about the emotional needs of your loved ones. Your friends and family would be the first to appreciate your self-sacrificing nature. You are truly willing to do anything for anyone, whether they are a life-long friend or a recent acquaintance.

March 4
You are well known for your intuitive, self-sacrificing and sensitive personality. At times you may feel psychic, but this is only because of your innate ability to sense the moods and thoughts of others. While your ability to just "know" how someone is feeling is impressive, but your friends and family are more appreciative of your selfless nature. You are an ideal example of a person that will do anything for anyone. In all aspects of life, your sensitivity is an asset. You may be quite a misunderstood person, as you tend to dream beyond most people’s creativity. You can love unconditionally and prefer a long-term relationship. Those born on this day are impulsive people who don’t like to clock-in...

March 5
You love a challenge. You are a personable individual who can, however, be opinionated. You are usually late for social events and work. It’s ironic how you can write but can’t take directions... you are well known for your sensitivity, intuition and self sacrifice. While others struggle with reading emotions, you do not have that problem. You are sensitive to even the slightest changes of those around you and have the innate ability to sense when a loved one is upset or bothered. Your friends and family are impressed with your psychic-like intuition, but they are most appreciative of your selfless nature. There have been multiple instances where you sacrificed your valuable time or resources for the benefit of another.

March 6
You are inventive and charitable. Your birthday horoscope profile shows that you are extremely talented and have a good ear for listening. However, you could do yourself a favour and let someone else handle your money. Some of you may suffer with feet problems... Your personality is defined by a self-sacrificing and sensitive nature. Your friends and family would be the first to attest to your kind-hearted, generous nature. There have been numerous times where you willingly sacrifice your time or resources for the well-being of another. Even more impressive is the fact that your selfless kindness is not solely reserved for loved ones, but strangers alike. In all aspects of life, you display sensitivity and emotional awareness.

March 7
Your personality is defined by sensitivity, intuition and a self-sacrificing nature. In all matter of life, you display great sensitivity. While other struggle in the realm of emotions, you may have notice a psychic-like intuition about what others are thinking or feeling. Instead of using your receptivity to gain an advantage, you display a commitment to helping others. Your friends and family would be the first to admit that you are truly selfless when it comes to helping others. You would truly do anything for anyone, regardless if they were a close friend or acquaintance..You are compassionate and submissive. In addition, you are a good listener, but wear your health on your sleeve. If today is your birthdate, you are possibly the boss at work, and are most likely to be making money from a hobby or passion...

March 8
You are well known for your intuition, sensitivity and self-sacrificing nature. Your intuition helps to guide you through all aspects of life, but especially social situations. While others struggle to pick up on emotional cues, your ability to read a person's feelings can be considered nearly psychic. These sensitive qualities have earned you many friends, but it is your selfless nature that makes you truly special. Your friends and family can recall numerous times when you put their needs far above your own. You are likely to be withdrawn but close to your family and a few friends. However, you are not very good at disciplining your children. Those with a birthday today should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. You may even be prone to skin diseases.

March 9
You are helpful and possess spiritual qualities. Nonetheless, you struggle at being a parent. but you can be a powerhouse in the kitchen, Including a glass of wine with dinner could help you relax as you really need your rest. Your intuition, self-sacrifice and sensitivity are amongst your most defining qualities. At times you may feel psychic, because you just seem to know what others are thinking and feeling. You use your emotional receptivity to realize when others are in need of support or assistance. Truly selfless, you will do anything for anyone, even if this means you must sacrifice your own time or resources. Your family members, friends, coworkers and peers all greatly appreciate your the sensitivity that you display in all aspects of life.

March 10
Your personality is defined by sensitivity, intuition and a self-sacrificing nature. While others struggle with understanding how others are feeling, you have an innate sensitivity to the emotions of others. Your initiation seems to reach the level of psychic ability at times, as you know exactly when a loved one is troubled or bothered. Instead of using your emotional receptivity to your advantage, you choose to help others, no matter what the cost. Your family and friends can recall numerous occasions where you made substantial sacrifices for their well-being. You love attention and are flirtatious. However, you can be a little suspicious of people when you first meet them. You're likely to take your romance slow, and need a strong partner who will compliment you...

March 11
Your personality is defined by an experimental nature and intensity. While others are stuck to their ways or routine, you are always willing to try something new. As a result, you may have been through many phases and periods of reinvention. Very adaptable, you may feel like you have a series of personality that arise depending on the situation. In all matters of life you are passionate and intense. This is especially true with those you hold dear. You are glad to devote time and energy to anything you feel is of value. You are a curious individual. You may have multiple personalities as you are extremely adaptable. Your friends adore you, but know that you can be moody. You should watch your spending habits...

March 12
If your birthday is March 12, you love surprises, and living life on the edge. You are playful and agreeable. Those born on this birthdate have many options for a career. Overall, you are a successful individual that any lover would be lucky to have...

March 13
If your birthday is March 13, you could be an unreliable spirit. You tend to love junk food, so need to take care of yourself. As a young adult, you are a cheerful individual with a lot of wisdom. You have a lot to balance with your active lifestyle.

March 14
If you're born on March 14, people are drawn to your magnetic personality. On occasion, you like to dabble in the supernatural as you like things that are different. You are likely to be slow to give your heart but when you do, it generally lasts for a long time...

March 15
If your birthdate is March 15, you love a challenge. You're a born leader who is turned off by negative behaviour. You are sensitive and believe that people are basically good. You need to relax more...

March 16
If your birthdate is March 16, you could be an inventor or explorer. Because of your many positive traits, you wear many stressful hats, which could make you moody, angry or sad. However, you usually bounce back, rejuvenated.

March 17
If you're born on March 17, you could be restless, adaptable and motivated. You should spend more time with your family and romantic interest. But since you want to live a lavish lifestyle, and know that work is the way to achieve this status, you may be working more!

March 18
If your birthday is on March 18, you could be highly motivated, sexually! This could cause a problem in most of your relationships. Those born on this day are competitive and have a practical approach to life and retirement. You want someone special to share your life with...

March 19
If your birthdate's March 19, you are a loyal and trusting friend. You are a quick learner who can, however, hold a grudge. Otherwise, you have pleasant personality traits. You have good health, but perhaps you could ask for help to discipline your children.

March 20
If your birthday is on March 20, then you're an adaptable personality. You want freedom more than anything else. Typically, you expect anyone close to you to understand this. On the other hand, you can be isolated and withdrawn.

March 21
If you're born on March 21, you could be a friendly and sincere politician. You love to travel. The Aries birthday means you have a positive influence on youngsters and an indispensable part of your family’s life. You have the gift of recall. A negative trait that you have is that you withdraw into a shell when you feel low.

March 22
If you're born on March 22, you like to have fun! You can never go anywhere without meeting someone you know. You naturally bring out the best in people. Alternatively, you cannot take orders, but will make an awesome leader...

March 23
If your birthdate is March 23, you're good-hearted but likely to be domineering. You generally start things but don't finish them. You're known to change your mind in a heartbeat, but have little tolerance for lies and deceit.

March 24
If your birthday is March 24, you are honest, compassionate and independent. Typically, you are a blend of many positive characteristics. You tend to engage in conversation with like-minded individuals in business and personal relationships.

March 25
If your birthdate is March 25, you could be a dreamer. You generally love home life but need someone to share it with. You are a likeable person but have few close friends. You steal all the attention in the room when you walk into it. However, you need to relax more and get regular health check-ups done.

March 26
If your birthday is on March 26, you are a joy to have around. Perhaps, you are dependent on others for love and security. On the other hand, you may not be in a hurry to marry. Your health is generally good but could benefit from regular check-ups.

March 27
If you're born on March 27, you have a way of persuading people to think like you. Sometimes, your life can be hectic and stressful. In that case, you may prefer a quiet evening at home or a noisy night out. You dance to your own beat. What's more: You also love to cook.

March 28
If you're born on March 28, your birthday reveals you to be a bubbly, idealistic and successful person. You constantly try to scale the heights of success, and are an honest and hardworking individual. A perfect career, according to you, is one that offers variety as well as an opportunity for short vacations.

March 29
If your birthdate is March 29, you not only have brains, but are also a motivated individual. Friendships rank high on your list as you believe they are an asset to your growth. When you are stressed, you tend to be grumpy and careless. Sometimes, you can be even lazy...

March 30
If your birthday's on March 30, you like living on the edge. You are very charming and make friends easily. When it comes to friends, you demand loyalty. According to your love analysis, you are rational and need more than a sex partner. You are always prepared for success.

March 31
If you're born on March 31, you stand apart from other Arians. You are hard to define, though a warm and affectionate person. You can find it difficult to relax but are more likely to spend too much time daydreaming. You should take better care of yourself... 


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